
Things You Should Know About Common Labor Law Violations

The government of the United States has hundreds of laws concerning the rights of employees and their relationship with their employers. These laws have been enacted in order to protect them and to make sure that there is a clear understanding of what they can expect. These laws also cover the possibility of you seeking compensation from your employer for some reason.
As an employee, it is your responsibility to keep track of these laws or at least become familiar with them so that you know when your rights are being violated. The great number of laws that we are dealing with here might make that a difficult task to accomplish.
That is why we have made a list here of the most common labor law violations. If you keep yourself familiar with these violations, then you would know what to look out for in case your employer does it to you.
Internships- This is actually a tricky matter. College students intern in companies in hopes of gaining valuable experience that they could use when they are actually already working. Some companies offer paid internships, but a vast majority do not.
The law states however, that if a company makes some money out of the service rendered by the student then they are obliged to pay the student.
Overtime- The law states the amount of time that a person can work for a week or other set periods. Anything that goes over that set time is to be considered overtime and is subject to a different rate when it comes to payments.
This is usually a problem with companies who have workers who are paid by the hour. Some companies fail to actually keep track of the amount of overtime rendered by an employee, while others fail to pay the right amount.
Minimum Wage- Each state has laws setting the minimum wage that they can pay their employees. They can always go over that but employers must never go below the set wage. There are some exceptions that are recognized by the law such as payments to student workers and apprentices.
Workplace Safety- The company is responsible for the safety of the employees while working. They should keep the working areas free from any danger or health hazard that can cause sickness and ill health to their workers.
Failure to remedy problems in the workplace is the responsibility of the company. If an employee becomes sick or is injured because of those dangers that were not remedied then the company is liable.
Compensation- There are some companies that fail to recognize their obligations to their employees that have been injured or who became sick because of the dangers in the workplace or other work hazards. By law, companies are responsible for them, but some are not willing to make payments.
These are just some of the more common labor law violations that you can come across. It would help to be familiar with all of them, so you can protect yourself.
"Have you ever worked overtime hours and not gotten paid? Did you know that you can recover overtime pay even if you were a salaried employee or a manager / supervisor?
Even if you did not have to keep records of the hours you worked, you still have the right to receive compensation when you work overtime. The Fair Law Firm can help you to determine whether or not you are eligible to bring a claim against your employer.
Visit us now at "
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About Mohammed Sajid Bagban

Assalam Alaikum, Myself Mohammed Sajid (Bagban) a resident of Kalaburagi city(formerly known as Gulbarga), Karnataka State, India. An IT professional working in Kuwait as "Network Engineer" since 2010.
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