
Why Mosquito coils must be banned

We use mosquito coils in our houses to control mosquitoes inside our homes. Well does anyone thought about the effect of emission of that coil on our health. Burning a coil is like burning of 75-137 cigarettes, experts say.

In many countries these mosquito coils are banned and instead its recommended to use mosquito nets around the bed while sleeping. I would recommend Indian Government also should ban them. Its a big business now, I hope some organization take serious steps to make people aware of it.

According to a study conducted by  US National Library of Medicines, National Institute of Health.
Burning mosquito coils indoors generates smoke that can control mosquitoes effectively. This practice is currently used in numerous households in Asia, Africa, and South America. However, the smoke may contain pollutants of health concern... 
...The findings from the present study suggest that exposure to the smoke of mosquito coils similar to the tested ones can pose significant acute and chronic health risks. For example, burning one mosquito coil would release the same amount of PM(2.5) mass as burning 75-137 cigarettes.

Please share this information to whom you care, your family, friends, relatives etc... For reference and details of the fact read it here.
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About Mohammed Sajid Bagban

Assalam Alaikum, Myself Mohammed Sajid (Bagban) a resident of Kalaburagi city(formerly known as Gulbarga), Karnataka State, India. An IT professional working in Kuwait as "Network Engineer" since 2010.
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